Mr. Haile Melekot Teklegiorgis
Mr. Haile Melekot Tekle Giorgis was Minister of State, Ministry of Capacity Building and Ministry of defense, Ethiopia, 2001-05.; and Vice-Minister for Finance 1995-2001. He led the design and implementation of a nationwide public expenditure management reform program in planning, budgeting, accounting, and procurement for federal and regional public bodies. Department head Ethiopian Management Institute, 1980-93; he designed training programs, monitored and evaluated training programs, and participated in consultancy assignments. He was chairperson and member of many Public sector Boards including: Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation, Board of Trustee for Public Enterprises, Calub Gas Share Co., Ethiopian Petroleum Enterprise, Board of Management of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Ethio-Lybian Joint Agricultural Co., Fertilizer Industry Agency, and Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority. Mr. Haile Melekot holds a Masters in Public Administration (2006) from Harvard Univ., John F. Kennedy School of Government; A Masters in Accounting and Development Finance (1989) from Birmingham University, U.K. and a BA in Accounting (1980) from Addis Ababa University.