The sub region is one of the least connected and integrated in Africa and else. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) gives new impetus and opportunities for regional integration and accelerated economic transformation. HESPI conducts research and analysis in promoting and advocating for the benefits of enhancing regional integration.
- Post conflict issues: HESPI undertakes studies on the impact of intra- and inter-State conflicts on national and regional developments
- HESPI also works with relevant institutions, both governments and civil society, to avoid the recurrence of conflicts and their resolution.
Conflict prevention and resolution
The sub region experienced prolonged and damaging inter and intra state conflicts. The broad performance in the past decades manifests the toll taken by various conflicts in the sub region, in terms of destruction of economic and social infrastructure, lost development opportunities - HESPI conducts research on causes and consequences of instability as well as post conflict issues. HESPI undertakes studies on the impact of intra and interstate conflicts on national and regional developments
- HESPI also works with relevant institutions, both governments and civil society, to avoid the recurrence of conflicts and their resolution.