Dr. Wondimu Tekle
Dr. Wondimu has a DPhil in economics (Peking University), a Master of Engineering specializing in Hydraulic Engineering and River Basin Development (IHE Delft Institute), BSc in Water resource Engineering (Arba Minch University). He is a certified Practicing Hydraulics Engineer. He worked as a State Minster in the Ministry of Water & Energy; Commissioner and & Senior Advisor in the Ministry of Water, Irrigation & Energy; Deputy General Manager in the Addis Ababa Water & Sewerage Authority; General Manager in the Southern Ethiopia Water Works Construction Enterprise; General Manager the Southern Ethiopia Irrigation Development Authority; Deputy Manager in the Southern Ethiopia Irrigation Development Authority. Member of the high-level efforts to enhance the performance of the East African Power Pool (EAPP); as one of Vice President in the African Union Specialized, Technical Committee Transport, Interregional Infrastructure, Energy, and Tourism Bureau, representing the East African Countries; Advisory Board Member in the African Power, Energy, and Water Industry (Enlit Africa); Board Chairman in Ethiopian Airport Enterprise; Board Member in the Ethiopia Electric Power Corporation & Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation; Board Chairman in the Ethiopian Rural Electrification Fund, etc. Currently, he is working as a Senior Climate Resilience Advisor in the Green Agro Solution PLC.