Dr. Samuel Tefera
Dr. Samuel Tefera is researcher and Assistant Professor, Center for African and Asian Studies, College of Social Sciences, Addis Ababa University. Dr. Samuel holds PhD in African Studies from the University of Kyoto. He taught courses including Qualitative Research Methods; Graduate Seminar on Gender and Culture; Political Pluralism and African Unity; Graduate Seminar in Gender; Culture and Development; Re-visiting Anthropology in Africa; Political Change and Dynamics in the Middle East; Cultural Grounds of Economic/Political Development in Africa. Dr. Samuel provided tailored trainings and courses on Maritime Security and Water Geo Politics to Navy trainees. He has the required knowledge and skills to handle maritime security issues (studies, dialogues and designing strategies) especially in the context of the Horn of Africa and the Gulf of Aden. He also provided training in other diverse areas of Natural Resources Management which included Pastoral Economics and Development Program, Pastoral Policy Analysis; Pastoral Livelihoods; Pastoral Institutions, and Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation.