Regional economic integration and trade; infrastructure development; access to sustainable finance, food security, climate change and building resilience; and assessment of Covid-19 economic and health impact in the Horn of Africa countries
Start Date
End Date
Venue Location
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
HESPI organized an online research-validation workshop on 11th of November to share the findings of research conducted on the above topics commissioned by the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) chaired by President Thabo Mbeki in preparation for the convening of the conference on peace, security, stability, economic cooperation and development in the Horn of Africa (CPHA). The research validation workshop was also aimed to validate the rigor of the research and the findings from the diverse regional stakeholder consultations.
The event included expert presentation on research evidences followed by intensive open discussions. The workshop participants included research authors, national, regional and continental level policy makers; and development policy strategists. The participants evaluated the evidence-based policy ideas and proposals towards yielding consensus on likely reforms among the concerned regional policy makers and other policy governance stakeholders.
The following power points were presented at the workshop.