HESPI conducted diagnostic scoping mission to South Sudan in July 2013 which enabled it to assess the performances of public agencies responsible for PFM and of financial sector policies and also the capacity needs of these agencies and institutions. The issues and units assessed included Monetary Policy Management, Economic and Financial Governance, Auditors General department, of the South Sudan. Intermediary adoption of the recommended policy options by the financial PFM units at the Ministry of Finance, the Central Banks, Public Audit Committee, the legislators and the Audit Camber disclosed that there are improvements in financial planning, implementation and auditing. Following the assessment, data base of financial policies, laws and regulations have been developed and capacity building gaps identified for Financial Integrity Institutions. Recommendations aimed at alleviating capacity constraints, improving public sector financial management and strengthening the management of the financial sector were made. An aide memoire was submitted to RSS authorities and a mission report has been prepared, discussed with the authorities and areas of capacity gaps identified and consequently capacity building activities have been initiated (e.g. the twining arrangement for auditor general staff). Various policy recommendations from the Diagnostic Report and the trainings that followed impacted PFM units at the Ministry of Finance, the Central Banks, and other integrity agencies. HESPI received support from the Ebony Centre for Strategic Studies located in Juba in the process of the assessment.