AUHIP research validation workshop on peace, security, stability, cooperation and development in the Horn of Africa
Start Date
End Date
Venue Location
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The African Union Peace and Security Council, at its 811th meeting held on 22 November 2018, mandated the AUHIP to among others undertake a series of research activities and consultative meetings with member countries of the IGAD and the Red Sea Basin on the development, governance and security challenges facing the region. In addition, that the Panel should prepare and convene a conference on peace, security, stability, cooperation and development in the Horn of Africa, in close consultation with the IGAD Chair and Secretariat. In line with this mandate, the Panel commissioned a Research Working Group (RWG) to conduct research activities in three core issues on: developing a security community in the HoA and the Red Sea basin; enhancing regional economic integration and Cooperation and environmental and resources management; and addressing democratization, diversity and state fragility.
On behalf of the AUHIP RWG, HESPI coordinated and organized second round research validation workshop using the African Union Virtual Platform. The purpose of the validation workshop was to give input and validate the African Union High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) commissioned peace and security research categorized under three pillars, namely: (a) developing a security community in the HoA and the Red Sea Arena (led by the World Peace Foundation assisted by the Centre for Dialogue and Research Consortium (CDRC); (b) economic integration and trade, infrastructure development, and addressing environmental and financial resource challenges; and (c) democratization, diversity and state fragility, with a particular focus on gender and women’s activism. The meeting was held on 10 June 2021.
The RWG completed the research and subsequently facilitated validation workshops for mid-level experts of the thematic issues in November 2020. The second validation workshop was intended to provide a platform for Horn of Africa policy makers and other invited participants to consider and validate the preliminary findings of the AUHIP commissioned research on peace, security, stability, cooperation and development in the Horn of Africa. Over 50 participants attended the workshop and commented on the research findings of the three pillars by senior people from national policy making organs and International Cooperating Partners in the Horn of Africa, which considered the preliminary findings and further contributed to consensus on the regional integration roadmap and related peace and security agenda of the Horn of Africa. The key findings and proposed policy reforms and recommendations were presented and thoroughly discussed at the workshop. The researchers will consider the comments made in their final reports.
The key findings and recommendations will be presented to policy makers and representatives of the HoA countries and the Gulf and Red Sea, the AUHIP members, and regional, continental, and international partners; so as to build consensus on the proposed reforms among the concerned stakeholders and to adequately inform the AU PSC agenda in the region.