2019 International Conference of Climate change, Pastoralism, and Resilience Building
Start Date
End Date
Venue Location
Jigjiga, Ethiopia

The Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute (HESPI) jointly with the Institute of Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Development Studies (IPADS) of Jigjiga University organized an International Conference on Climate Change, Pastoralism, and Resilience Building on October 3-4, 2019 in Jigjiga, Ethiopia. At the opening session of the Conference, honored guests touched briefly on the important and topical issues that were to be discussed and debated among the participants in the two course of the Meetings.
Mr. Muhyadin Mohamed, Director of the IPADS, invited guest of honors to make their welcoming remarks. Dr. Abdi Ahmed, Acting President of Jigjiga University mentioned in his remark that the Somali Regional State has the highest number of pastoralist in the country. He said that such conference would help the University to strengthen its research and studies in the livelihood of the pastoralist in the region. He also hoped that the University will also further enhance its networking with the other research institutions and universities in attendance and also with the participating international community representatives. He presented his gratitude on behalf of Jigjiga University to all participants attending this timely conference.
H.E. Prof. Ismail Dirie, Minister of Agriculture, Environment and climate change of Puntland state of Somalia, on his part mentioned that climate change poses significant threat to the economic, security, social, and environmental development of Somalia and underlined that extreme climate change is expected to affect the region as a whole. Prof. Ismael advised to develop a system for the public to take part to help reinforce the regional development.
Dr. Ali Issa, Managing Director of HESPI, took this chance to welcome and thank the participants and guests of honor for taking time to attend this international conference. He said the theme of this conference is timely and topical. He noted that the entire world leadership is concerned about the issue of climate change and human resilience, as attested by the Summit in UN general Assembly in late September. Dr. Ali reminded that severe drought and other adverse climate change have led to ecological crisis and prevalent food insecurity in the HoA region. In this regard, he appreciated the effort being deepened to strengthen the regions’ institutional capabilities to implement integrated risk management mechanisms, and effective preparedness before the shocks damage the people and economy. He expressed his appreciation for the efforts some countries in the Horn of Africa (especially Ethiopia) have made to mitigate the impact of the last major drought in 2015-16 on the vulnerable communities.
Mr. Abdi Abdillahi, from pastoralist concern, on his part also appreciated the organization of such international conference in such critical time. He underlined how complex the topic raised is. He said that one cannot find a simple and single solution for the problems and challenges of pastoralist livelihood, climate change and resilience building. He showed his concern on the word “change” from the theme of the conference. He said the change should be the factor which is really important to the region and the entire globe.
H.E. Mr. Mustafa M. Omer, President of Somali Regional State, welcomed all guests to the Somali Regional State of Ethiopia. He said climate change in the Horn of Africa manifests itself, first and foremost, in the livelihood of pastoralists and agro-pastoralists. He reminded the participant at the conference that the needs of pastoralists should be faced ahead of time, because of frequent challenges and vulnerabilities. In this regard, He said the Regional state of Somalia and Federal government are committed to support lasting solutions for these communities, and through working together with all stakeholders. With this remarks, H.E. Mr. Mustafa announced the official opening of the International Conference on climate change, pastoralism, and resilience building in Jigjiga.
This International Conference was a timely conference that brought together academics, policy makers, higher officials, members of the civil society and national and international media correspondents. Some of the topics presented by the participating researchers included Livelihoods and food security in the pastoral communities; Climate adaptation through market-based risk transfers; Assessment and development of biomass (animal forage) estimation system; livestock performance under climate change in the Sudan; Conflict resolution through indigenous knowledge system; and pastoral youths and climate change. As the research findings were presented during the two day conference, participants raised critical issues and debated the findings of the respective studies. Paper presenters and panelists at the conference gave detailed explanation and presented in-depth outputs at open sessions, meetings and side discussions during the two day event.
DOWNLOAD : HESPI-IPADS-International-Conference-Presentations